Leaning Into Fear: A Founder's Journey Toward Empowerment

"Face your fears, own your strengths, and never retreat. In the dynamic world of nonprofits, embracing our authentic selves is the cornerstone that guides us toward impactful leadership." - Lead By Change #LeadWithAuthenticity #StrengthInAdversity #LeadByChange.

Embracing the Challenges and Triumphs

As the founder of Lead By Change, the journey of empowering nonprofits, especially those led by or serving BIPOC communities, has been both a personal and professional revolution. In this second issue of our 2024 blog series, I want to delve deeper into the nuances of leaning into fear, recognizing self-worth, and using resilience as a guiding light.

The Courage to Confront Fear

Every journey begins with a step that often feels the heaviest—the step out of our comfort zone. For women of color in leadership, particularly in sectors driven by passion and service like nonprofits, this step involves facing systemic barriers and personal fears. It’s not just about tackling what we already know but also about embracing the challenges that test both our strengths and weaknesses. It’s here, in the midst of challenges, that we discover our true capacity for impact.

Establishing a Code of Ethics: Never Give Up

My path, like that of many others, was not linear. From the early days of my career to becoming an MBA graduate and elevating my business in its first year, the guiding principle has always been a relentless commitment to moving forward—never giving up. This ethos is not just about persistence but is a testament to the ethical framework that drives both my personal decisions and my business practices at Lead By Change.

Knowing and Owning Your Worth

Understanding your value in the professional world is crucial. It’s not merely about what you bring to the table regarding skills but recognizing the uniqueness of your own journey and experiences. For women of color, self-worth is often diminished in professional settings. Overcoming this starts with self-recognition and is amplified by organizational acknowledgment and support.

Leaning Into Your Strengths and Weaknesses

True empowerment comes from leveraging your strengths and embracing your weaknesses as areas for growth. This dual approach has been pivotal in my approach to leadership. It allows us to lean into uncomfortable challenges yet complementary to our growth, ensuring we are well-rounded leaders.

Finding Confidence and Using Resilience

Navigating the entrepreneurial landscape requires a unique blend of confidence and resilience. These traits have been my beacon in moments of adversity. They remind me and should remind us all that each obstacle is an opportunity to demonstrate perseverance and to shine a light on the paths less traveled, which often lead to the greatest outcomes.

The Power of Mentoring and Giving Back

As we develop in our careers, it's vital to give back. Mentoring is more than sharing knowledge—honoring our journeys by empowering others to embark on theirs. It’s about creating a legacy of learning, support, and community.

Celebrating Every Victory

Reflecting on the significant milestones of Lead By Change Consulting's first year in business and my completion of an MBA, along with my ongoing pursuit of a doctoral degree, my appreciation for our clients and community profoundly deepens. Their trust has fueled our ability to lead and innovate. This celebration sets a strong foundation for nurturing future leaders, driven by my purpose to uplift, encourage, and educate toward transformative growth and grace. This effort will continue to propel our legacy of positive change and development.

Conclusion: A Call to Action

I invite our readers and changemakers to embrace your journeys, lean into your fears, and recognize your worth. Let us walk together in this continuous process of self-discovery and improvement, championing change within ourselves and the communities we serve.

Let's keep paving the way for an inclusive, fair, and empowering future. At Lead By Change, we are committed to this mission today and always.


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